Why it's your kids, Mark, Steggie and Wallie the rabbit having a blast, and sharing great books in your library during Summer Reading!

This Summer, Return to Reading Lodge where Treasure Abounds in Great Books!
The Books, the magic, the adventure await your kids with Mark Daniel's 28th Annual All New program designed just for Summer Reading by one of the Foremost Summer Reading Performers in the US!
Whether your celebrating Dig Into Reading or your own independent theme no worries! This Summer as always, Mark will be on message, and on target, like nobody's business, promoting the love and joy of great children's books as he has done for 27 years. One of the top Summer Reading performers working today, he is recognized nationally as a mentor, inventor, and expert on Summer Reading for performers and librarians everywhere. Kid friendly, kid approachable and fun!
Mark's method of preparation for each year's programs begins in February with book selections, research, writing, development and prop selection/invention, set design, and continues into early June. His attention to detail, creativity and constant fine tuning of the program brings true delight to his young audiences now numbering in the hundreds of thousands! This year, marking his 28th all new and exciting program, he's just as excited today about his work as when he began his career.
Join Mark, Steggie the Stegosaurus, and Wallie the Rabbit as they explore great books, summer fun and the magic that make Mark's programs so enjoyable for your Summer Readers.
The Particulars
The Particulars
Working each year with some of the best children's literature around makes for a joyful labor of love with his unique brand of "Bringing Books Magically to Life".
Mark's incredible show sets return this Summer! The Reading Base Camp is the place for Digging Books! It's a perfect setting to celebrate and explore wonderful books and set the pace for the surprises that follow in this 40 minute program suitable for PK - 5th grade. This new program incorporates your summer reading theme, great children's books, storytelling, puppetry, magic tricks, book talking, and audience participation and wonderful music all beautifully interwoven to delight, entertain and inspire.
Renowned for his creative show sets, original routines, wonderful use of music, and folksy personality, Mark's programs are a sure winner and keep the kids asking for him back year after year!

Click on the heart to down load your Summer Reading poster
Invite Mark Today
You've called Mark already haven't you? You know how crazy it get's with dates and you know he'll worry, so invite him today! Call Tami at 800-848-5634.
This program is available to you Monday through Friday, June through August for morning, afternoon, and early evening performances. The cost for one program, is only $345.00, (a special summer rate, available to public libraries only) which includes the first 100 miles of travel, round trip. The mileage fee is $.40 a mile for each mile over 100.
If you need a second show at your library on the same day, please inquire about available options and discounts. Also, if 2 or more libraries in your area book programs together on the same day, we will adjust the mileage charge. These prices are good June through August 2013, for libraries only. Weekend programs are available at a higher rate.
We realize Mark tends to be just a couple more dollars than the average summer reading performer. What you receive from Mark is not a $345.00 program. On the Summer Children's Theater Circuit his program is valued between $750.00 - $1,500.00. He does not charge that to you as a way to give back to the library. Mark has never forgotten his special bond with Summer Reading, and the fact that the library and a children's librarian were a spring board to his success. For just a few dollars more than the "average joe", you receive a presentation from a dependable, seasoned professional, considered among the best in the US.
Take a moment and call Tami today! She will help you with dates and times.
Call 1-800-848-5634
Mark looks forward to seeing you and your Summer Readers during the 2013 Summer Tour: Digging Books! Your summer readers will love you for it!